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Kineski zid

The Great Wall of China
(and how to get there)

I am sure most of you have experienced the feeling of finally realizing something that you’ve been wanting for a long time. The feeling of joy and excitement that you can’t hide. I have that feeling every time I visit a new place.
Sigurna sam da je većina vas iskusila taj osećaj kada konačno ostvarite nešto što ste dugo želeli. Osjećaj radosti i uzbuđenja koji ne možete sakriti. Imam takav osećaj svaki put kada posetim novo mesto.

I have to be honest, Beijing was not on the top of list, but The Great Wall definitely was.
One thing that was my priority was definitely to escape the crowds. I was sure that The Great wall will not disappoint me so there was only that little problem to solve.
Moram biti iskrena, Peking nije bio na mojoj top listi mesta koje želim da posetim, ali Veliki zid definitivno jeste.
Jedna stvar koja mi je bila prioritet je definitivno bilo to da izbegnem gužve. Bio sam sigurna da me Veliki zid neće razočarati, tako da je ostao samo taj mali problem koji treba rešiti.

After some research I decided to take a 2 hours bus ride to MuTianYu Great Wall section. Since most of Chinese tourist want to go to the JuyongGuan, as it is the most famous spot and most of the people would like to see the quote of Chairman Mao, the founder of modern China,  "不去长城 非好汉" (Bù qù chángchéng fēi hǎohàn) - "He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man", I thought I should not the same.
Nakon kraćeg istraživanja me 2 sata vožnje autobusom može odvesti do odeljka Kineskog zida  MuTianYu. Pošto većina kineskih turista želi otići u JuyongGuan, jer je to najpoznatije mesto i većina ljudi bi volela da vidi citat predsednika Maoa, osnivača moderne Kine, "不去长城 非好汉" (Bù qù chángchéng fēi hǎohàn) - "Onaj ko nije bio na Velikom zidu nije pravi čovek", smatrala sam da bi bilo bolje uraditi obrnuto.

It turned out to be a good idea since we managed to stay away from the masses of people and it is the most well preserved section of the wall.
The other tip would be the time. Don’t be lazy and go as early as you have the chance. Our bus ride was at 7 am, and we arrived there before 9. I am sure this helped a lot since we saw way more people on our way to the bus, around 1 pm.
Pokazalo se da je to dobra ideja, jer smo uspeli da budemo daleko od gužve. Pored toga, ovaj deo zida je i najočuvaniji deo zida.
Drugi savet bi bio vreme. Ustanite što ranije i krenite prvim prevozom koji možete. Vožnja našim autobusom bila je u 7 sati ujutru, a tamo smo stigli pre 9. Sigurna sam da je to puno pomoglo jer smo oko 13:00, kada samo se vraćali sa zida, videli mnogo više ljudi koji dolaze.

Which brings me to the next topic, and that is how we got there. There are a lot of options on “Booking.com”, “C.Trip” and probably many other sites. I booked my trip on “C.Trip” with MuBus agency.
The bus ride was 80 RMB for a round trip.
Other expenses I had were cable car ride to the top and back and the ticket in. it was 160 RMB.
Što me dovodi do sledeće teme, kako smo došli do Kineskog zida. Postoji mnogo opcija na „Booking.com“, „C.Trip“ i verovatno na mnogim drugim sajtovima. Rezervisala sam putovanje na „C.Trip“ u agenciji MuBus.
Vožnja autobusom bila je 80 RMB za oba smera.
Ostali troškovi bili su me vožnja žičarom do vrha i nazad i ulaznica unutra. Ukupno je 160 RMB.

This looked like the easiest way to get there and enjoy the trip, so I would highly recommend the same tour for everyone.
Ovo je delovalo kao najlakši način da se ode i uživa u ovom putovanju, i zato bih svakako preporučila svima isto.


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