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Life of an expat

Bad voice in the head:
“Leave, and lose what you’ve fallen in love with about life.
Stay, and lose what you have back home”

Good voice in the head:
“What ever you choose looks like you are losing, but remember the same feeling brought you where you are now”

This is just one part from today's workshop organized by "Wibs", that made me write this and made me think about what I am going to share with you today.

Have you ever felt like you are trying so hard to explain to someone how you feel but they just can’t understand it. I guess some things in life you have to experience to be able to understand them.

For me, the most difficult thing is to explain to people back home why I don’t feel like coming back. To tell the people that I love that I don’t feel like living close to them but my love for them hasn’t changed. To explain not only to them, but to myself that I call this new place, far away from my family, home.

But today was different. One part about loving the life in Chengdu is that I constantly meet people with beautiful minds. And don’t get me wrong, there are amazing people to meet back home too, but here we all come from different countries, from different cultures and different life stories and that makes each person so special.
So, today I went to this inspiring workshop about creative writing and the main topic was to talk about our feelings of a life of an expat.

It is mind blowing to hear a stranger using your words and explaining her feelings. It’s unreal that someone who knows me for the past hour is sitting across

from me and talking just like she was in my head. It seems that she understands me, and person I became, better than someone that I know my whole life.

This girl said how she explains to her step daughter “People back home are blue. And I live in a place where people are yellow. And me, I took both colors and now I feel green. I don’t fit in back home, because I am not blue. I don’t fit in there because I am not yellow. But I fit with the people who have the same experience”

This definitely didn’t help me to make any decisions about the future, but it helped me so much to know that I am not the only one feeling green in this world. That’s why I wanted to share my story with you and ask you to try to understand people from their point of view. To try to feel what they do before you judge them.

Another exercise made me think...
“You don’t have to be a part of the group with a name of the country.
You just have to be a part of the group that brings you happiness.”

Life is a beautiful thing but the more you know, the more you explore the more you feel lost.
But just know, you are not the only one.

If you are living in Chengdu, make sure to check "Wibs" Instagram account and to join some of many events those amazing girls are creating. It is always creative, inspiring and I always feel like I've learned so much when I leave those events.


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